
Wednesday, April 4, 2012


My students are currently on spring break (meaning I am too, yay!), so as a fun little activity last Thursday night the coordinator at one of my sites suggested that we have the students dye Easter eggs. This was one part pain in the butt, two parts disaster, but I'm pretty sure that the kids had lots of fun so the rest can certainly be forgiven. It may take Keith a long time to recover from the smell of 150 hard boiled eggs in our refrigerator... and my fingernails are still blue from all that dye haha. There is no easy way to organize such an endeavor, but some of them made some pretty neat eggs! Here are some photos from the whole event:

This is only a quarter of the eggs I had to boil haha

Blue fingers

This photo took like 10 tries, no one could hold still haha

The purples were particularly great.

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