
Tuesday, April 17, 2012


April is SO full of birthdays! Obviously I've already posted about Keith and Jordie's birthday, but I can't let this day pass without recognizing the birth of my favorite little cousin, Jack. I was 10 when he was born so now that he's turning 14 I'm feeling pretty darn old. I spent so much time with my aunt Kathleen growing up, and still to this day I can say that she's one of my best friends so naturally I was always close to Jack as well. I can't even tell you how many hours I spent babysitting this little guy, or the amount of times we watched Thomas the Tank Engine together... or the Wizard of Oz! He loved it so much.

Now here's the kicker... I present to you a photo from the day that Jack was born, with me in all my 10 year old glory... awkward missing teeth, middle part and all haha

Happy 14th birthday Jack! We love you!

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